What is NeFeB Radial Ring
What is NeFeB Radial Ring We usually see NeFeB radial ring in the motor, it is made up of an arc magnet into a similar approximate radial ring. But strictly speaking, the "ring" after the splicing is not the real radial ring.
We provide the radiant orientation ring of sintered NdFeB magnets. The following diagram is the result of the analysis of the 16 Polar magnetized radiant orientation rings. It is obvious that the radiation orientation ring has the following advantages compared with the rings made of 16 single oriented arc permanent magnets.

(1) the flux vector of the radiant orientation ring is completely along the radial direction, and there is no tangential flux component. Therefore, the air gap magnetic field produced by the same remanent radiation oriented ring is much higher than that of the ring made by multi block and single orientated tile permanent magnet.
(2) because the air gap magnetic field produced by the radiation oriented ring has no tangential flux component, the stray magnetic field is almost zero, which benefits the control of the output characteristic of permanent magnet motor and the control of harmful indicators such as heating, noise and vibration of the motor.
(3) the radiation orientation ring neither arc shaped like pieces with a single orientation of permanent magnet spliced ring as the splicing gap, there is no tile with a single orientation of permanent magnet for geometry moment tolerances produce non-uniform, uniformity of air gap magnetic field of the motor is very high;
(4) the radiation orientation ring has simple installation, high installation and positioning accuracy, low installation error rate, and easy implementation of large scale automatic assembly operation. Therefore, the manufacturing process cost, quality cost and management cost of permanent magnet motor can be significantly reduced.
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